How Different Colors Appeal to Specific Demographics

How Different Colors Appeal to Specific DemographicsAny marketing professional worth their salt will tell you that color is vital to your brand’s success. The colors you use in your branding and advertising make a huge difference. The psychology of color is a big topic. We will focus on how and why different colors appeal to specific demographics. Here is what you need to know.Continue Reading..

How Color Variation Can Hurt Sales

How Color Variation Can Hurt SalesBrands face incredible challenges when it comes to building recognition in today’s broad global market. One wrong move can hurt sales. With so many people vying for attention online, in print, and every other advertising medium, you have to put in the extra effort to get your name out there. More challenging still is figuring out how to retain those customers after you’ve got their business. Here’s what you need to know about the importance of color consistency in branding and why any variation can decrease your sales.Continue Reading..

MeasureColor Takes Away Guesswork During Printing

MeasureColor Takes Away Guesswork During PrintingFor businesses today, print quality is of utmost importance. Branding has become essential, and one of the most vital components of branding is color. Your brand colors go on all sorts of printed material. You use much of this material, either directly or indirectly, to advertise your business. Here’s what you should know about MeasureColor and how your business can benefit from it.Continue Reading..

Why So Many Brands Seem Exactly the Same

Why so Many Brands Seem Exactly the SameWith so many brands on the market, grabbing attention is harder than ever before. Domestic companies are going against each other.  They’re also going against the constantly encroaching brands from afar as the global market continues to grow.

Amongst all this fierce competition there is a multitude of companies that seem exactly the same. Here’s what you need to know about why so many seem the same and how to avoid blending in.Continue Reading..

Stand out Colors That May Just Blend in on Shelves

Stand out Colors That May Just Blend in on ShelvesStand out colors matter in business. Let’s face it; color is an incredibly important part of your marketing mix, particularly your packaging. It is undeniably essential in both print and digital form. Color grabs attention, at least that’s what it’s supposed to do.

However, to really hit home, the color on your packaging and printed materials need to do more than grab attention, they need to stand out.Continue Reading..

How Lighting Conditions Affect Overall Color Quality

How Lighting Conditions Affect Overall Color QualityWhen you consider color quality, you are often concerned about the final product after it comes off the press. Indeed, many factors affect color in printing, from a poorly calibrated monitor to selecting the wrong color mode on your computer while designing.

Color quality also matters when it comes to lighting conditions whether you’re shooting photos of a product or observing the final product. The eye takes in color differently at night vs. day and also beneath various indoor light conditions and natural light.Continue Reading..

Why Color May Be Your Most Important Rebranding Tool

Why Color May Be Your Most Important Rebranding ToolBuilding your brand is a major undertaking that comes with high stakes. When you get your branding wrong the first time, especially as a startup, your failure to resonate with your audience poses risks for your business. When you rebrand as an established business, rebranding still risks losing part of your customer base if you don’t get it right.

So, boost your chances of rebranding success with careful planning, strong strategy, and attention to detail. The most powerful rebranding tool in your kit is color for its memorability, its message, and the way it psychologically impacts your audience.Continue Reading..

How Color Variation Hurts Your Brand

How Color Variation Hurts Your BrandMany business owners imagine that color variation in their digital and print campaigns don’t carry as much weight as the actual service or product quality. It’s just color. Right?

Wrong. Your branding colors are the cornerstone of success when it comes to recognition and your company’s associated reputation.

Don’t Dilute Your Brand with Color Variation

Consistency is king for holding a competitive edge and speaking at any length to your market. Maintain a visual language that’s consistent across platforms and media in color and style.

People will remember your brand and are more likely to associate the message and feel you want with your company and its products. Your brain processes an image 60,000 times more quickly than text.

What’s the purpose of your logo? It’s to build recognition via repetition. Let’s face it: humans are inundated by tons of information daily. The brain processes 400 billion bits of information daily, and humans are only aware of 2,000 bits.

Being unique, authentic, and consistent are the ways to your consumers’ hearts and pockets. Diluting your logo and other brand materials with color variation tires and confuses the consumer.Continue Reading..

Color Matching Goes Beyond Adjusting on Press

Color Matching Goes Beyond Adjusting on PressIn a dream world, all colors match. Color matching is easy as the ink gets added in the press, and the job is run without any complications in mere seconds. Yes, that’s the dream. Right there.

Technological advancement has made it easier for printers to help their customers achieve color accuracy. However, many variables affect color and ink and time waste, trying to get the colors right.

Achieving color accuracy goes beyond adjustments on press and starts at your desk. Here are a few steps you can take to make sure your colors match when the job is run.Continue Reading..

Color Combinations That Draw Immediate Attention

Color Combinations That Draw Immediate AttentionSo, how do you select the right color combinations for your brand? For your logo to your latest marketing campaign. You want to stand out from the competition. And appeal to your target audience.

The color principles stemming from the classic science of fine painting apply to both print and digital design.

Color Combinations That Will Surprise Your Audience

Most people understand the general idea of the color wheel. Red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors. Green, orange, and purple/violet are the secondary colors. However, there’s more to mixing these colors.

Being aware of the different color schemes boosts your color knowledge. It also makes your brand message stand out. Here are four color combination schemes that will surprise your audience:Continue Reading..