How Color Variation Can Hurt Sales

How Color Variation Can Hurt SalesBrands face incredible challenges when it comes to building recognition in today’s broad global market. One wrong move can hurt sales. With so many people vying for attention online, in print, and every other advertising medium, you have to put in the extra effort to get your name out there. More challenging still is figuring out how to retain those customers after you’ve got their business. Here’s what you need to know about the importance of color consistency in branding and why any variation can decrease your sales.

Why Color Is so Important to Branding

Color is one of the most critical aspects of your brand. The colors you use in your logo, and other media such as your website have a huge impact. One of the areas where color is most important is in packaging. When you walk down the potato chip aisle, the different brands are clearly distinguished by color. Before you even get close enough to read the name, you know what color Lays potato chip bags are.

That kind of association has substantial psychological implications that you can leverage. Different colors elicit different emotions. Red is associated with passion and excitement, while yellow is connected to happiness. Keep in mind; this is only the surface of the issue. You can’t just pick any old shade of red. If you are serious about building your brand, you’ll want to take the time to find the right color in the right tone.

Poor Color Consistency Hurts Sales

Once you’ve found the exact color you’re looking for, it’s imperative to maintain the same shade of that color. You need to keep it consistent in all of the materials you produce, from marketing to packaging.

Many brand managers and designers are tempted to work with an array of colors. You must resist this temptation. Brands get the best results by choosing one color and sticking to it.

If you start using different colors or allow slips in production, resulting in color variation, customers will be confused. The worst thing about color variation is that it dilutes your brand.

One thing that’s important to remember is that customers don’t just associate your color with your brand; they associate it with themselves as well. This is especially true of brands that sell products in sets. Customers purchasing items in a set expect consistency in the color of those products.

How to Maintain Brand Color Consistency

When you think about it, as a business owner, you have a massive amount of material to look after. Lots that can hurt sales. When your brand is advertising online, in print, and everywhere else, it can get hard to keep track of it all and maintain adequate quality control.

For example, someone in printing generates a batch of brochures, and the color on your logo is slightly darker. They let it through thinking that it’s no big deal. It is a big deal, and you can’t afford those kinds of mistakes if you want your brand to succeed. In another example, your graphic designer gets a little too creative and tweaks the shade of your logo. While it may look like art to them, it will throw customers off.

The best way to maintain color consistency is to work with an experienced partner. One that can help ensure that your brand colors are consistent across the board. It’s good for your operations. It’s good for branding. It’s good for your bottom line.

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