Many business owners imagine that color variation in their digital and print campaigns don’t carry as much weight as the actual service or product quality. It’s just color. Right?
Wrong. Your branding colors are the cornerstone of success when it comes to recognition and your company’s associated reputation.
Don’t Dilute Your Brand with Color Variation
Consistency is king for holding a competitive edge and speaking at any length to your market. Maintain a visual language that’s consistent across platforms and media in color and style.
People will remember your brand and are more likely to associate the message and feel you want with your company and its products. Your brain processes an image 60,000 times more quickly than text.
What’s the purpose of your logo? It’s to build recognition via repetition. Let’s face it: humans are inundated by tons of information daily. The brain processes 400 billion bits of information daily, and humans are only aware of 2,000 bits.
Being unique, authentic, and consistent are the ways to your consumers’ hearts and pockets. Diluting your logo and other brand materials with color variation tires and confuses the consumer.Continue Reading..