How to Repurpose Content Marketing for Print Marketing

How to Repurpose Content Marketing for Print MarketingThere are many ways to repurpose content marketing. And, there is some talk out there about how to use print marketing as part of your big-picture content marketing strategy.

But what about the opposite? Wouldn’t it make more sense to start with your content marketing plan, which should include social and email, and work outwards from your core strategy to include other tactics?

Here are some thoughts on how to repurpose your content marketing for print marketing.

Educate Your Audience

The purpose of content is to move your prospects further down your funnel.

Not all content you produce will lead to sales. But even if the only thing a reader, listener, or viewer of content does is sign up to receive email communication from you, in a way, you’ve succeeded. This gives you the opportunity to keep them in the loop and convert them into paying customers down the line.

You can use your print marketing in the same manner. You can send your targeted prospects to a landing page where they can either sign up to receive more information about your products or services or pay for your product.

As well, offering a link to a blog post might make sense depending on your strategy. You’re already spending time developing content for your blog, social, email, and possibly other channels. You may as well take what you’ve got and reuse it to your print marketing.

Another method would be to send your prospects more than just a postcard. You could create a brochure or pamphlet that explains your products in detail and gives them an easy way to order.

Nurture Your Audience

Again, not everyone who first learns about your product is going to buy. They may not be ready. But if they’re interested, there’s no reason to disengage completely.

This means you could continue to send a sequence of print marketing messages that move your audience down the funnel.

Again, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. If your blog posts answer the fundamental questions about your offer, and your emails answer more intermediate and advanced questions, you could take what you have and adapt it to your print marketing sequence.

Though there is a cost associated with lead nurturing, if you do it right, you’ll increase your conversion rate and generate more revenue from engaging your leads.

Convert Your Audience

What’s the point of showing up consistently and adding value to your audience if not to turn them into paying customers?

Naturally, not everyone you encounter will convert. Having a 100% conversion rate is impossible. But you must put the offer in front of your audience anyway, or you will leave money on the table.

If you’ve been spending time educating and nurturing your audience through print marketing, then at some point you should send a call to action to get them to act.

Again, you could send them a personalized URL, or get them to call a specific number you’ve set up to answer calls about a particular offer.


The goal of content marketing is to build trust and credibility with your audience. When they see value in what you’re delivering, and they’re interested in what you offer, it’s only a matter of time before they convert.

But that’s also something you need to be thinking about – the time it will take for them to convert into a paying customer. This may not happen immediately, and in many cases, won’t. You must be consistent in your content delivery, even with your print marketing. Understand the costs and advantages of reaching your audience this way. Used correctly, print marketing can be a powerful asset for your content marketing strategy.

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