Tracking your best lead sources optimizes your marketing and sales process for profit and efficiency.
The lead source for each sale your business makes is an important piece of information. It informs you where you are making good investments and where investment is not being returned. It also allows you to refine your marketing budgets to take advantage of opportunities and reduce funding for avenues that are proving less effective.
For instance, you could be spending $500 on two marketing channels, social media, and PPC. You find with lead tracking that PPC is making 80% of your sales and generating $8,000 per month compared to just $2,000 per month from social media. While both are making a profit, it is evident to see that there is a greater opportunity from PPC and the extra money could be funneled into that avenue to increase sales and grow the business.
The difficulty is in determining what your lead sources are. With the rise of the internet, the places that leads could be generated from has multiplied to an incomprehensible size. So you have to be smart in the way that you track your lead sources.
Here are some of your options with the advantages and disadvantages of each.Continue Reading..