How to Use IP Targeting Strategy with Print Marketing

How to Use IP Targeting Strategy with Print MarketingDo you have an IP targeting strategy? There are some trends and strategies that are fads. In other words, temporary. However, on the other side of things – some strategies or tactics become pillars, permanent fixtures of sorts. Print marketing, for example, is still one of the most effective marketing strategies in existence. The conversion metrics of print marketing speak for themselves. Yet, print marketing strategies can benefit from implementing updated tactics, like IP targeting.

Updating long-lasting tactics that pre-exist within an organization yields a whole myriad of benefits. The simple fact is that outdated processes and procedures are likely to bog down business operations.

On the other hand, updating processes and procedures to meet current best practices and industry standards will increase operational efficiency while also improving other key business metrics.

Understanding IP Targeting

IP targeting is an advanced technique that marketing teams use to understand and target specific demographics. IP targeting allows organizations to send individualized marketing material based on the user profile of a single IP address.

The advanced level of target-marketing that IP targeting tactics bring to an organization allows marketing teams to deliver hyper-personalized ads to individuals and other organizations.

In turn, these hyper-personalized campaigns yield better conversion rates on sales and other CTA’s included. IP addresses are the addresses associated with digital footprints. As such, it is logical that IP targeting and digital campaigns go hand in hand together.

However, IP targeting can also supplement a print-marketing strategy. While it may seem a bit contradictory to use IP targeting in partnership with print-marketing, the two are incredibly complimentary.

1. Deliver the Right Material with an IP Targeting Strategy

Delivering the right material to the right person is essentially the entire purpose behind IP targeting. IP targeting allows marketing teams to craft personalized marketing campaigns and marketing material for a specific user profile attached to any one IP address.

From there, the team can translate IP addresses into their physical counterparts. Therefore, allowing marketing professionals to deliver the most personal marketing material possible. With more personalized marketing campaigns in the form of print-marketing collateral, organizations will see a significant increase in conversion rates and other marketing based metrics.

Consumers continue to read and open print-marketing material, making it one of the best marketing strategies that still exists today, especially when paired with IP targeting.

2. Connect with the Audience

Similar to delivering the right material, connecting with the audience through print-marketing is specifically crucial. With IP targeting, organizations can get more impactful material into the hands that will do the most with it.

In other words, companies can deliver campaigns straight to the target-demographics to which they most directly apply. The direct line of communication with impactful stake-holders is a definite advantage over older print-marketing tactics that are more aligned with a shot-gun approach.

Marketing material that addresses the heart of an issue that plagues any target-demographic is sure to yield higher conversion rates than vague marketing material that doesn’t speak to a core-issue or core-problem the consumer is facing.

That means that print-marketing, in partnership with IP targeting, boasts some of the highest conversion rates over all other marketing strategies.


Print marketing is, still today, one of the vital branches of any comprehensive marketing strategy. However, maintained relevance doesn’t come without reiteration or new implementations. To keep a print marketing strategy efficient, teams need to stay updated on best practices and industry standards.

IP Targeting is one of those best practices. It’s a great way to boost your print marketing efforts. And it’s something that organizations in multiple industries are using to get tangible results. It’s easy to overlook the effectiveness of print in these digital times. But don’t miss the opportunities.